What is powerbi-client?
The powerbi-client npm package is a JavaScript library that allows developers to embed Power BI reports, dashboards, and tiles into their web applications. It provides a set of APIs to interact with the embedded content, enabling functionalities such as filtering, setting parameters, and capturing events.
What are powerbi-client's main functionalities?
Embed a Power BI Report
This code demonstrates how to embed a Power BI report into a web application. It uses the powerbi-client library to configure the embedding settings and then embeds the report into a specified HTML container.
const powerbi = require('powerbi-client');
const models = powerbi.models;
const embedConfiguration = {
type: 'report',
id: 'your-report-id',
embedUrl: 'your-embed-url',
accessToken: 'your-access-token',
tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
settings: {
filterPaneEnabled: false,
navContentPaneEnabled: false
const reportContainer = document.getElementById('reportContainer');
powerbi.embed(reportContainer, embedConfiguration);
Apply Filters to a Report
This code sample shows how to apply a filter to an embedded Power BI report. It creates a filter object and then uses the getFilters and setFilters methods to apply the filter to the report.
const filter = {
$schema: 'http://powerbi.com/product/schema#basic',
target: {
table: 'Sales',
column: 'Region'
operator: 'In',
values: ['North America']
report.getFilters().then(filters => {
return report.setFilters(filters);
}).catch(error => {
Capture Events from an Embedded Report
This code demonstrates how to capture events from an embedded Power BI report. It listens for 'loaded', 'rendered', and 'error' events and logs the corresponding messages to the console.
report.on('loaded', function() {
console.log('Report loaded');
report.on('rendered', function() {
console.log('Report rendered');
report.on('error', function(event) {
Other packages similar to powerbi-client
The tableau-api package allows developers to embed Tableau visualizations into web applications. Similar to powerbi-client, it provides APIs to interact with the embedded content, such as applying filters and capturing events. However, it is specific to Tableau's ecosystem.
JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps.

See the wiki for more details about embedding, service configuration, setting a default page, page navigation, dynamically applying filters, and more.
Code Docs
See the code docs for detailed information about classes, interfaces, types, etc.
New live demo for a sample application using the powerbi-client
library in scenarios such as page navigation, applying filters, updating settings, and more.
Install via Nuget:
Install-Package Microsoft.PowerBI.JavaScript
Install from NPM:
npm install --save powerbi-client
Installing beta versions:
npm install --save powerbi-client@beta
Include the library via import or manually
Ideally you would use a module loader or a compilation step to import using ES6 modules as:
import * as pbi from 'powerbi-client';
However, the library is exported as a Universal Module and the powerbi.js script can be included before your app's closing </body>
tag as:
<script src="/powerbi-client/dist/powerbi.js"></script>
When included directly, the library is exposed as a global named powerbi-client
There is also another global named powerbi
which is an instance of the service.
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